Joachim Kuczynski, MSc MBA
I am a licensed management consultant in Feldkirch, Austria. My focus is the valuation of investments under uncertainty. Key aspects are discounted cash flow analysis, real options analysis, Monte-Carlo-Simulation and decision tree alanysis. In the last 20 years I analyzed many investments and projects for several companies. You can contact me by
Tel: +43-681-20299225
- Birth and youth in Feldkirch
- MSc Physics, Univ. Innsbruck
- MBA Economics, Univ. Innsbruck
- Controlling, 3 years
- Team Leader Engineering, 3 years
- Head Investment Controlling, 6 years
- Product Program Manager, 8 years
- Head Cost Engineering, 2 years
- Programming in Excel, VBA and Python
- Mngt. Consultant since March 2021
- Mountaineering, climbing and skiing